Thursday, January 10, 2013

Frustrating Four?? Nah..

They say that after the Terrible Two comes the Terrific Three...
Is there a Frustrating Four??

Ugh.  I have been dealing lately with an almost four-year old who would keep on whining, cry loudly and answer back at me.  I have been testing, through trial and error, different approaches to discipline him but nothing have been successful so far.. But, last night, I was so surprised of how behaved he was! I am very proud that I am writing it here for everyone to see how good my boy is!

1. Took a bath without delaying tactics, alibis, coercion and power struggles.
2. Brushed his teeth on his own for the first time! He even wanted me to floss his teeth!
3. Read 3 prayers from the prayer book recently given to us as a gift.  He was repeating after me in spite of the prayers being long and the words hard to pronounce.
4. Woke up on his own the next morning and even volunteered to go downstairs to eat and dress up for school while I take a bath.  He usually would just lie in bed waiting for me to go down with him.
5. Rode the school bus in a happy mood, waving goodbye as the bus drove away.

Aaahh.. These are happy mommy moments indeed.. :)

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