Monday, January 21, 2013

I am a Billionaire.... Soon!

Hiyee! I'm excited to be posting again to update you on my 2013 Wishlist !

Nope, I have not yet enrolled in a fitness class nor have resigned from my day job (this would be better news, though.. hehe), but, I am finally using the SAM method of investing in the stock market! Yahoo!

After about 6 months of deliberation and a bit of hesitation, I finally humbled myself and admitted that I cannot go on investing in the stock market without guidance from someone who is more knowledgeable and focused on the topic.  You see, for the past year, I have been just buying and buying, regardless of whether the stock price is low, high or getting higher.. Not a bad strategy, but not the best either.  Since my primary objective is to build an educational fund for my kids, I had to make sure that I'll be able to lock-in the gains I realize from the market increases and that would mean selling my shares.  But, I cannot just sell randomly, I need to have someone tell me when it's time to sell and where to re-invest the sale proceeds.

And so, just this month, I finally joined the Truly Rich Club.

And what a great timing, after signing up, I learned that Bo already gave the go signal to sell BPI shares when it hit P91.  Wow, at that time, my BPI shares (which I started buying in June 2012) is already at P100! So, I quickly placed a sell order with Citisec hoping that it would still be sellable at this amount.  And, yes, it was sold immediately! I earned 24%! Imagine, 24% in 6 months versus 1-3% in banks for 12 months!  Woohoo!

As of this writing, I am holding shares of 7 companies, two of which I plan to hold long-term for retirement purposes.  The combined growth of these 7 companies is at 9%, with 22% as the highest and -1% the lowest.  

Whoa, I never thought stock market investing would be this exciting.  I always thought it's only for geeks and the rich.  Lesson learned, everyone can invest in the stock market.. EVERYONE!  And always,  ALWAYS,  take action before making a conclusion.  Hadn't I joined and tried the SAM method.. Had I let my fear and hesitation overcome me.. Had I believed that I can do it alone.. I wouldn't be a millionaire soon.  Oh yes, you read that right, I would soon be a millionaire (billionaire, even!).. 

Want to be my co-billionaire? Read more at Truly Rich Club.  Happy investing! :)

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