Tuesday, December 23, 2014

5 Life Events That Changed Me in 2014

Hmm, okay, so what did you last know about me.. Ah! You can read it here!

So, what happened from August of 2013 up to today?

Here are 5 relevant events in my life that forever changed me! (drumroll please..)

5. I am still a WAHM but higher paid and with more varied work.

Remember my first job as a WAHM? Well, I am no longer with that first client and with Lifebushido.
I am still a VA-Accountant/Financial Analyst but also sort-of a Project Manager for that client.

This time, I get to interact with other members of her team which is really so much fun for me! Plus, I get to learn more about technology since they are mostly designers and web developers.

Oh, and I learned how to communicate my rate increase. :)

4. I got a new skill that can be used in my work! 

And that is... Online Marketing and Social Media Management!

It was late 2013 when I enrolled for online marketing lessons. And because I have no background whatsoever in marketing, I wanted to have first-hand experience in managing social media accounts for a client.

I was rejected right and left in my online applications mainly because I have NO experience!
(I wonder how can you ever get experience if nobody wants to hire you..)

But of course, having been able to find a client before in the "online world", I persisted...
And succeeded!!

Yes! I now have a client for social media management! And guess what, I didn't even apply to this client!

I worked for him before for a project-based Accounting/Web-research job. And 6 months after that job, he contacted me again to ask if I could work for him in social media.

Hey, he didn't even know I studied online marketing!
All he knows is he really liked how my previous work turned out and how I strategized to deliver that work to him!
(yes, that Accounting job was a bit of a challenge)

Lesson learned:

3. I am now homeschooling my son.

Why? You'll see why later.

But for now, let me tell you how much I've realized how bright and smart my son is.. (fine, I'm biased! But he REALLY is!)

But the better thing is..

I get to instill in him the values and discipline that would have otherwise been not focused on in a traditional school.

And I realized that I can be creative in making lessons interesting huh?!

2. Our family is now part of a Catholic community, the Feast.

Even when I was still an employee, I already felt the calling to be a part of this community. But due to "more important" things and uncertainty of what it's really about, I postponed attending.

But the call was still there..
And the rest, as they say, is history.

Bonus! My husband is now playing for the Music Ministry!

And the biggest life event for this year...

1. Moving to Dubai

Yes, from the Philippines to Dubai!

My husband was assigned to work here for the short-term.

Oh, I cannot tell you in detail how much this change worried me and kept me awake for many nights.
Our family weren't even together for 2 months!

But here we are now, happy, safe and together. :)
(And by the way, this is why I considered homeschooling in the first place)

It is our first time to spend Christmas in another country.
Although nothing compares to the festivities at home, we are very thankful to have friends who have become our family here. It makes the holidays as happy and the experience more memorable.

Merry Christmas to you!

Off to prepare breakfast,


P.S - These photos are by my husband. Beautiful noh?!:)

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