Monday, August 26, 2013

Update on my 2013 Wishlist: I'm now a WAHM!

For those who are not familiar with the acronym, WAHM stands for Work At Home Mom. :)

My wish to become a WAHM came sooner than expected due to circumstances beyond my control.  I plunged into WAHMhood without being fully prepared but, as a mom, aren't we really built to deal with surprises all the time?! And so with this 'unpreparedness came blessings which started pouring in from Day 1 of my being a full-time mom.

To cut a long story short, I officially became a WAHM 15 days after my office resignation took effect.  Imagine, just 15 days! I haven't even had time to catch up on chores! Not that I'm complaining though.

So, I'm now currently working as a part-time Financial Analyst in Odesk. 

Having more time in my hands, I was searching for more earning opportunities when I came across Lifebushido whose motto is 'Anything is possible'.  I browsed through their site and I was impressed with their belief that Stay-at-Home-Moms "are an incredibly capable and vastly underutilized group of people for getting great work completed".  Wow! While housewives are usually looked at as JUST homemakers, this company sees them as valuable assets who can immensely contribute to their business!

What's also very unique, very interesting and very appealing about them is that you will work with them to discover and explore your unique talents to see how you will best fit in Lifebushido based on their needs and business ventures.  At least, as a WAHM, I don't have to live with boring jobs and office politics which were some of the things I escaped when I left the corporate world.

Another is their concept of Triangles where I get to be part of a team of different people from all over the world!  I'm so excited to learn from these people coming from different countries, having different cultures, having a lot more experience yet possibly having the same passion and dedication to family as I am!

Oh, and have I mentioned that I'm excited?! :)

For those who are interested, I am sharing with you this opportunity.  You may check their website at or you may email them at  They are very accommodating and will be glad to help you.

I'll keep you posted as I progress in my WAHM career.  Yahoo!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrea! I'm Heather and I just have a quick question about your blog! If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com that would be great!
