Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How to Start Blogging

This has been a question in my mind for quite some time now.  And I guess, the answer to that question is.. just start blogging away! Don't worry that you're not a writer, nor someone popular, you just have to start to let those creative juices flowing.

So why this name for my blog? Aside from the fact that all my first options are no longer available, I thought that since I'm not an expert on a particular subject matter, I might as well write on something I'm passionate about.  And that is being a mother.  I may not be the best mom, but when it comes to topics about mommyhood and stories about my children, I can talk non-stop.. Very apt for a blog noh? Hehe.  At least I won't run out of topics to write about.

Join me as I discover how being a mommy is fun.. funny..feisty, yet also fury-causing :)

Let's live life!

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