Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Weekend in the Mountains

Lately, the Hubby has been obsessed with driving around Rizal, the Sierra Madre mountains to be exact.  He likes it so much that we've been there 3 times already the past 2 months, just driving around.  He will drive 2-3 hours, stopping once in a while to take pictures of the scenic view, while the kids and I stayed inside the car, oftentimes asleep.. Hehe. :)

This Christmas, he was able to finally get us out of the car.  He didn't divulge the itinerary to me, perhaps knowing that I will reject his proposal with 2 kids in tow.  I was just told that we'll spend the night there and go to Daranak and/or Daraitan which I have no idea what looks like (except for Daranak which I've been to 20 years ago).

We had dinner of Bulalo and Pork Adobo at Paseo Rizal which was perfect for the cold, breezy weather.  The kids enjoyed being there too, with its cozy and feel-at-home ambiance.

We stayed at Sampaloc Inn for the night.  No frills, simple place to stay, yet the staff is very accommodating.  Their silogs taste great too! Too bad, I don't have pictures of the place.  I have a picture of the food, though. :)

So, after breakfast, off we went to Daraitan.  It was quite a long drive but the scenery will make it worthwhile.  During the drive, the kids got to see goats, carabaos, cows and horses which they don't see often in Manila.  Here are sample views during the drive to Daraitan..

When we finally arrived Daraitan after a rough-road drive, this is what welcomed us...

Nope, it's not the jeep by the river, but the mountains, the waters, the rocks.. ahh.. nature at its best! There was a small boat to take you to the other side (P5 per person).  If you want to be more adventurous, you can cross it yourself.  According to the locals, the water is just chest-deep, but the rocks are slippery.

Upon reaching the other side, we hired a tricycle (P20) who brought us to what they call 'pintuan'.  I guess I'll let the pictures do the talking from hereon...

The muddy path you have to trek
Daraitan River

Daraitan River
View of the river from the top

Here, it's all rocks.

This is the farthest we got.  You could hike further going to Tinipak.

We could have opted to go further to Tinipak but decided against it.  It was accomplishment enough that we were able to hike the trail with an almost 4-years old walking with us and a 1-year old carried the whole time.  The locals advised us not go further also as it would be difficult for me and the kids already, plus the weather was becoming unpredictable also.

Would I advise going there? Definitely! But if you will be bringing kids, I advise to be extra careful and prepared.  We had extra clothes, mosquito repellent, sunblock and umbrella with us.  Guess what, my one-year old even chose that time to poop on her diapers! :)

It was quite a risky roadtrip for the kids but they learned a lot.  On our way home..
Hubby:          Ma, did you enjoy?
Me:               Yes.
Hubby:          How about the kids, you think they enjoyed?
4-yr old son (who we thought was not listening):  Yes
Hubby and Me:  Yes what?
Son:  We enjoyed (referring also to her 1-yr old sister).

Awwww.... :)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How to Start Blogging

This has been a question in my mind for quite some time now.  And I guess, the answer to that question is.. just start blogging away! Don't worry that you're not a writer, nor someone popular, you just have to start to let those creative juices flowing.

So why this name for my blog? Aside from the fact that all my first options are no longer available, I thought that since I'm not an expert on a particular subject matter, I might as well write on something I'm passionate about.  And that is being a mother.  I may not be the best mom, but when it comes to topics about mommyhood and stories about my children, I can talk non-stop.. Very apt for a blog noh? Hehe.  At least I won't run out of topics to write about.

Join me as I discover how being a mommy is fun.. funny..feisty, yet also fury-causing :)

Let's live life!