Saturday, March 2, 2013

Yey! We have no househelp! :)

We have no househelp for two weeks now.

For two weeks, I have been juggling my office work and household chores.  I requested to be able to work at home in the morning while my son is in school and be allowed to bring him in the office in the afternoon.

I was also forced to leave my daughter to my parents in another town, two-hours away from our place, which means we won't get to be with her everyday.  It was a painful decision, but we had no choice.

Yet, in spite of this 'household crisis', I am very much happy and fulfilled.  Weird as it may seem but honestly, I feel a lot less stressed than when we had TWO househelp.

Okay.. so what if the room is cluttered and the kitchen is messy? So what if I haven't done my laundry nor cleaned the restroom? I haven't felt this much at-home in our own house... I have never been more at peace... Ah... can I say that 'This is the life...'

Maybe, this is a blessing in disguise...

You see, I've been a working mother ever since.  But, ever since I had my second child, there's this burning desire to be able to just stay at home and personally look after them.  As days pass, the more difficult for me to leave them in the care of a nanny.

I planned to leave the corporate world in 2 years time... but I guess it won't happen anymore... Because I will be leaving the corporate world in a few months time!!!!!!! :)

To be honest, this is also a painful decision for me... because eventhough I wanted to be with my kids the whole day, I cannot bear to be at home the whole day!  And I will definitely miss my officemates who are my friends more than colleagues... the working environment which is a home more than an office... my team who are my merienda buddies more than my staff...

But then, I have to create another chapter of my mommy life... I know it will be another fun, funny and feisty experience...

Cheers to being a full-time mommy!