Monday, January 21, 2013

I am a Billionaire.... Soon!

Hiyee! I'm excited to be posting again to update you on my 2013 Wishlist !

Nope, I have not yet enrolled in a fitness class nor have resigned from my day job (this would be better news, though.. hehe), but, I am finally using the SAM method of investing in the stock market! Yahoo!

After about 6 months of deliberation and a bit of hesitation, I finally humbled myself and admitted that I cannot go on investing in the stock market without guidance from someone who is more knowledgeable and focused on the topic.  You see, for the past year, I have been just buying and buying, regardless of whether the stock price is low, high or getting higher.. Not a bad strategy, but not the best either.  Since my primary objective is to build an educational fund for my kids, I had to make sure that I'll be able to lock-in the gains I realize from the market increases and that would mean selling my shares.  But, I cannot just sell randomly, I need to have someone tell me when it's time to sell and where to re-invest the sale proceeds.

And so, just this month, I finally joined the Truly Rich Club.

And what a great timing, after signing up, I learned that Bo already gave the go signal to sell BPI shares when it hit P91.  Wow, at that time, my BPI shares (which I started buying in June 2012) is already at P100! So, I quickly placed a sell order with Citisec hoping that it would still be sellable at this amount.  And, yes, it was sold immediately! I earned 24%! Imagine, 24% in 6 months versus 1-3% in banks for 12 months!  Woohoo!

As of this writing, I am holding shares of 7 companies, two of which I plan to hold long-term for retirement purposes.  The combined growth of these 7 companies is at 9%, with 22% as the highest and -1% the lowest.  

Whoa, I never thought stock market investing would be this exciting.  I always thought it's only for geeks and the rich.  Lesson learned, everyone can invest in the stock market.. EVERYONE!  And always,  ALWAYS,  take action before making a conclusion.  Hadn't I joined and tried the SAM method.. Had I let my fear and hesitation overcome me.. Had I believed that I can do it alone.. I wouldn't be a millionaire soon.  Oh yes, you read that right, I would soon be a millionaire (billionaire, even!).. 

Want to be my co-billionaire? Read more at Truly Rich Club.  Happy investing! :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Frustrating Four?? Nah..

They say that after the Terrible Two comes the Terrific Three...
Is there a Frustrating Four??

Ugh.  I have been dealing lately with an almost four-year old who would keep on whining, cry loudly and answer back at me.  I have been testing, through trial and error, different approaches to discipline him but nothing have been successful so far.. But, last night, I was so surprised of how behaved he was! I am very proud that I am writing it here for everyone to see how good my boy is!

1. Took a bath without delaying tactics, alibis, coercion and power struggles.
2. Brushed his teeth on his own for the first time! He even wanted me to floss his teeth!
3. Read 3 prayers from the prayer book recently given to us as a gift.  He was repeating after me in spite of the prayers being long and the words hard to pronounce.
4. Woke up on his own the next morning and even volunteered to go downstairs to eat and dress up for school while I take a bath.  He usually would just lie in bed waiting for me to go down with him.
5. Rode the school bus in a happy mood, waving goodbye as the bus drove away.

Aaahh.. These are happy mommy moments indeed.. :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My 2013 Wishlist

Happy New Year everyone!
I don't personally believe in New Year's resolutions because I always end up not accomplishing any of them due to the sheer pressure that go with it.  So, instead of to-do lists, I came up with a wishlist.  Maybe sub-consciously, but when I call it 'wishlist', I do not feel that I need to do these things, rather, I feel that I am rewarding myself when I accomplish any of them.  So, here goes..
This 2013, I would like to:
1. Enroll in a fitness class.  Since I became a mom, my mommy belly never disappeared. I had no problems with it though, as I have fully embraced it along with motherhood.  But, with all the parties, buffets and sweets the holiday brought, it seemed that it became flabbier and more noticeable! Pilates worked before so maybe I'll do it again.  I can also try Zumba or Body Jam, or even just buy a Dance Pad so I can groove anytime, any day at the comforts of home.
2. Explore blogging.  Here it is! My first attempt in blogging.  Actually, I have already started this even before 2012 ended, but in a different website.  The challenge would be to continue posting even after I get back to my regular work schedule.
3. Use SAM method of investing in stocks. I've been investing in the stock market for a year now.  My initial purpose was to build a retirement fund.  But now, I would like to explore the Strategic Averaging Method to lock in the profits from the increases in market price and use them to re-invest in other stocks.
4. Build my back-up/fallback should I finally decide to be a work-at-home mom.  This would include exploring work-at-home opportunities, gaining skills to be able to apply for work-at-home jobs and grooming my successors in my current job.
Four wishes for now.. I will just add to the list as 2013 goes by and I will post as I go on accomplishing them.  Let's do it! For a better me by the end of 2013! Woohoo! :)